Diet for Elderly Patients With Diarrhea - Volga Home Care

Chronic diarrhea can be controlled to some extent through changes in lifestyle and diet. Changing what, when, and in what quantity a person eats and drinks, combined with taking some medications, can improve the quality of life.

If a person has chronic diarrhea, keeping a food diary is always a correct move. Keeping track of what one eats daily and what reaction they have to different foods should help a person identify problematic food, the time of the day when you eat those, and all symptoms. Later, you can share your notes with the healthcare provider, who will help you determine what foods cause your symptoms. 

With that said, the most common foods that lead to worsening diarrhea symptoms in older adults include: 

  • Dairy products
  • Legumes and cabbage family vegetables
  • Fruits and juices that contain fructose
  • Coffee and tea
  • Alcoholic beverages 
  • Fatty meats 
  • High-fat foods 
  • Sugar-free gums and mints that contain sorbitol, mannitol, or xylitol
  • Real black licorice (not the candy)
  • Large quantities of nuts or nut butter
  • Concentrated sweets

Foods that can improve symptoms include: 

  • Drinking fluids between meals. 
  • Eating foods and drinking beverages with sodium and potassium. It includes sodium, sports drinks, nectars, bananas, and boiled or mashed potatoes. 
  • Eating lower-fiber foods, like rice, noodles, lean meats, smooth peanut butter, white bread, etc. 
  • Drinking beverages at room temperature, not too cold or hot.
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